Friday, November 10, 2017

Homework #6

In the world of graphic design there are many key elements that you should follow in order to get the most out of what you’re designing. How will it look? What’s the idea you’re going for? How does this appeal to a general audience as well as how will they picture the image themselves? Things like color pallets should also be taken into consideration when designing an image. Consistency is everything and you want your image to flow no matter what, otherwise it might as well just be called a collage of some sort. If I was to make an image based on an alien invasion and I just put Mickey Mouse in the middle, it would ruin the flow and people would lose interest in it. The quality of your work is also another key in graphic design. You don’t want your picture to be blurry and all pixelated right?

Friday, September 15, 2017

Hwmk#2 TED Talk

Picture this: You take a stroll down a forest or city or any scenic route. You see someone or something struggling with a task that can easily be worked around with the right tool or system. So you think to yourself: "I'm sure if I did a, b, and c, then I'm sure I could make this product a lot better." So you start coming up with designs for your marvelous new invention, but then you hit a roadblock. Sure this invention would be used for that one thing the person or thing was struggling with but what could it's other uses be? The design is great but you also need to take into consideration the uses for the thing you're creating. You don't just want to create this really good looking product and it ends up failing due to it not being convienient for the customer. For instance, I may make this really cool looking wrench. Although it may look cool, the wrench is a bit big and isn't really all that great to handle, but it just looks like a cool wrench. If it can't perform the function it was meant to perform, then what's the use in using it? So in the end, you need to make sure when designing the product you take into consideration what it will be used for. Functionality goes hand in hand with design.